Tree Service FAQ’s.

What Are Nutrients And Why Are They Important?

What are nutrients? In the world of horticulture, the discussion of “nutrients” comes up quite frequently. Even the first time gardener or proverbial “brown thumb” gardener knows they are important. But what exactly are they?… Get the complete answer HERE.

Are You Scared Of Trees Falling?

We’ve all seen it on the news. “A massive tree snapped on Detroit’s east side, a road is blocked and residents are afraid.” –Detroit, April 23, 2012 “A massive oak tree…was damaged in a storm. Now,… Get the complete answer HERE.

What Is Beetle Fungus?

Laurel and Avocado tree owners beware. A fungal disease has been progressively spreading from South Carolina to Florida and has now been detected on a grand scale as far south as Pinellas County. The fungus is spread by an insect commonly called the… Get the complete answer HERE.

What Is Restorative Pruning?

The aftermath of a natural disaster can be a costly affair. Even with a near miss, repairs to fences, roof shingles, and landscapes can quickly add up. In these instances, saving money on the removal of broken tree limbs may be tempting. The long term… Get the complete answer HERE.

Why Is Preventive Maintenance Important?

For many of us, preventive maintenance is a matter of routine. We bring our dog or cat to the veterinarian for a check-up, take our cars in every 3,000 miles for an oil change and tune-up and visit the doctor annually for our physical. We take care of… Get the complete answer HERE.

Why Hire A Certified Arborist?

Choosing a contractor is always an important decision. Be it construction, plumbing, masonry, or landscaping, hiring the right individual for the job has lasting impacts. In the world of tree care, this decision is equally important. Consider this:…Get the complete answer HERE.

When Disaster Strikes, How Do I Avoid Price Gouging?

The last thing any of us want is to be taken advantage of. The feeling is compounded when it occurs in the wake of a disaster. Unfortunately, this can and does happen. Whether it be a tree unexpectedly falling on your home or the result of mother…Get the complete answer HERE.

How Do I Prepare For Storm Season?

It’s Summer in Florida. For many of us that means tank tops, flip flops, and sandy beaches. But for us in the environmental industry we think primarily of one thing: hurricane season. As Floridians, we’re accustomed to hearing the annual… Get the complete answer HERE.

How Do I Choose The Best Firewood?

As I was shopping in the gardening section of my local discount goods store the other day, I couldn’t help but notice that the seed packets I had been hoping to buy had been replaced with brightly colored papers and ornaments. Is it that time of… Get the complete answer HERE.


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